Attourney-at-law Dr. Laurynas Didžiulis shared Lithuania’s experience at the Supreme Court of Ukraine
On 5 December, the founding partner, Associate Lawyer Dr. Laurynas Didžiulis, participated in the annual international scientific-practical conference “Mortgage Hearings” held at the Supreme Court of Ukraine. The event was attended by Ukrainian judges, attorneys at law and foreign legal experts working in the field of substantive law. At the conference, an attorney at law presented the mortgage system in Lithuania and its development.
“Today, the Lithuanian mortgage system is clearly pro-creditor, characterised by its liberal creation and implementation on the basis of actes authentiques, as well as modern possibilities to pledge a company and even to create a mortgage with a rather limited dependence on the secured obligation. This raises certain consumer protection issues”, says Dr L. Didžiulis. In addition to theoretical issues, he also discussed practical issues related to over-mortgaging, the protection of the bona fide mortgage creditor and the taking possession of the mortgaged property by the creditor.
In addition, earlier this year, the Ukrainian law journal “Civilistychna Platforma” translated and published an academic article by Dr. L. Didžiulis on the Lithuanian experience in reforming and adapting the property law system to the market economy into Ukrainian.
We are glad that the expertise of CONFIDENCE Law Office attorneys is highly appreciated not only in Lithuania, but also abroad.